David Gibson

David Gibson

Chief Financial Officer, UPMC Enterprises

David Gibson currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer of UPMC Enterprises. Within this role, he is responsible for all finance and accounting related matters for the organization while supporting its portfolio of health care focused companies, technologies, and solutions.

Prior to joining UPMC Enterprises, David had multiple financial leadership positions at both private and public health care companies, including Director of Finance at Precision Therapeutics, Inc. and Controller at Philips Children’s Medical Ventures. David began his career at Deloitte within their Audit and Assurance group.

David received his B.S. in Business Administration from Bucknell University and is a Certified Public Accountant.

David Gibson

More Team Members

Nicole Ansani


Senior Vice President, New Development Initiatives

Julia Bennett

Leadership Business Services

Senior Director, Human Resources

Brent Burns

Leadership Digital Solutions

Executive Vice President, UPMC Enterprises

Jeanne Cunicelli

Jeanne Cunicelli


President, UPMC Enterprises
Executive Vice President, UPMC

Sara Fest

Sara Fest

Leadership Business Services

Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, UPMC Enterprises
Executive Director, Center for Connected Medicine

Allison Hydzik

Leadership Business Services

Senior Director, Media Relations

Matthias Kleinz photo

Matthias Kleinz, DVM, PhD

Leadership Translational Sciences

Executive Vice President, Translational Sciences

Margaret Steere

Leadership Business Services

Sr. Associate Counsel & VP UPMC Enterprises

Brian Susko

Leadership MyUPMC

Vice President, Engineering and Product Development

Eliza Swann


Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, UPMC Enterprises