Aug 28, 2019
The state of interoperability in health care: 6 key survey findings
Download an infographic to see details of a HIMSS Media and CCM survey on data sharing in health care
Hospitals and health systems are taking action to address interoperability within their organizations, but they still face challenges sharing clinical data with other health systems, tapping into unstructured data, and using data to reduce the cost of care.
Those are some of the key findings from a recent HIMSS Media survey of health care IT, business, and clinical leaders. The survey was sponsored by the Center for Connected Medicine (CCM).
See six key findings from the survey by downloading a CCM infographic. The infographic includes what IT and business professionals at hospitals and health systems had to say about:
- Alignment of strategy and initiatives to advance interoperability
- Differences of opinion between executives and managers
- Effectiveness of sharing data inside and outside their hospital
- Effect interoperability challenges are having on reaching key goals
- Steps organizations are taking to address interoperability
- What is needed to overcome interoperability challenges

Ongoing interoperability challenges in health care
The findings show that many health systems are still trying to achieve interoperability. For instance, the survey found that fewer than 40 percent of respondents were able to share health data with other health systems.
In addition to the infographic, the CCM has published a full survey report “Improving Health Care Interoperability: Are We Making Progress?” which also is available to download.
More on interoperability in health care
Find more CCM content on the challenges of interoperability:
- Aneesh Chopra is anticipating big advances in interoperability for health care
- Chief technology officer of HHS brings ‘open data’ mission to Pittsburgh
- Interoperability is ‘Top of Mind’ for health system IT leaders in 2019
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