Aug 28, 2019
Aneesh Chopra is anticipating big advances in interoperability for health care
The former Chief Technology Officer of the United States says he’s excited for the future as new regulations and technological advances push health organizations to share more data.
“I can’t tell you how excited I am for the future of health care,” Aneesh Chopra told an audience at the Center for Connected Medicine (CCM) during the Top of Mind 2019 Summit.
The reason? Momentum is building to make data sharing easier between health record systems and organizations, said Chopra, who’s president of CareJourney.
The government is coming out with new rules to requiring health providers and payers to share their data.
Groups such as CARIN Alliance are bringing together stakeholders to pilot application programming interfaces (APIs) for health data exchange.
Tech companies such as Apple and Google are drawing attention to the issue by creating apps that support tracking and cloud-based storage of health data which is forcing health systems to respond.
“It’s no longer a technical barrier … It’s culture and it’s adoption,” Chopra said.
Ongoing interoperability challenges in health care
Many health systems continue to struggle with interoperability even with the increased attention and positive advances in technology and capability.
A new HIMSS Media survey of hospital and health system IT professionals, sponsored by the CCM, found that fewer than 40 percent of respondents were able to share health data with other health systems.
Download the survey report “Improving Health Care Interoperability: Are We Making Progress?” to learn more.
More on interoperability in health care
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