Smart Start: Coming Together as One Enterprises

Smart Start is now open to all UPMC Enterprises employees! Learn about the program, upcoming sessions, and how to get involved.

Have you heard the news?! Smart Start is going Enterprises-wide to increase discussion, communication, and idea sharing amongst all teams of UPMC Enterprises! 

These meetings offer a chance for individuals from different parts of UPMC Enterprises to come together and get to know each other while exchanging ideas. Meetings occur monthly in Kauffman’s clock (pastries included!) and last about an hour. The agenda typically includes a short 10-to-15-minute prompt from a speaker and then a 45-minute discussion in small groups. 

Meeting new faces and exchanging ideas is key – Smart Start sessions encourage focused discussion with the opportunity to rotate around the room and meet and hear from several new team members per session. 

Leading the Smart Start initiative are Kelsey Holden, Michael Coutinho, John Lowman, Taylor Stein, and Jo Ann Mclaughlin-Klemencic.  

While the series originally started to bridge the Translational Sciences and Digital Solutions teams, other teams wanted in on the fun! As a result of such positive feedback, Smart Start has opened to all employees of UPMC Enterprises to further enhance connections across the organization. 

“The new series has been invaluable these past few months to hear different perspectives on a variety of topics that affect our work and lives at UPMC Enterprises,” said Kelsey. 

So far, Smart Start has featured the following topics and speakers:  

  • Women’s Health (One session led by Kathryn Heffernan & Carly Cook, Digital Solutions and one session led Anna Mamo, Translational Sciences)
  • Kaiser’s Acquisition of Geisinger (Led by Michael Coutinho, Digital Solutions)
  •  Clinical Genomics (Led by Ed Smith, Translational Sciences
  • Alexandria Charts (Led by Judd Poeske, Technology Solutions
  • “Get to Know You” Highlight 

In November, Brianna Flora will discuss personalized digital patient experience and in December, Rob Hartman will lead a discussion on medical devices.  

So, how do you get involved in all the fun? It’s easy – just RSVP to the invitation sent out by Jo Ann each month and come in-person for some yummy treats and great conversation. 

Have a topic idea and/or speaker recommendations? Email one of the Smart Start leaders with your suggestions or visit the Teams channel for more information. 

We look forward to seeing you at the next Smart Start session on November 9 at 10:00 AM as we come together as One Enterprises! 

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