Fun Facts About New Staff: December 2022

Find out who used to have a pet walking stick, who has played violin for 20 years, and who has a cat that is two toes away from breaking a world record.

We’re excited to welcome our new hires to UPMC Enterprises. Get to know your new coworkers through their answers to a list of fun questions. You can also learn about them by visiting the UPMC Enterprises Personnel Wiki.

Andrew Adrian-Karlin, Director of Service Development and Delivery, Digital Solutions

Q: How did you get into the industry?
A: I got into the industry because I grew up building computers with my dad, then worked help desk jobs in school, and decided I wanted to use my technology powers to help people. So…health IT.

Q: Are you a Pittsburgh local or did you grow up elsewhere?
A: I grew up in Portland, Oregon.

Q: Do you have any kids? Any pets?
A: I have a 3-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son, two cats, and two dogs. (Fun fact: As a kid, I had pet walking sticks.)

Michelle Dempsey, Associate Program Manager, Digital Solutions

Q: Are you a Pittsburgh local or did you grow up elsewhere?
A:  I am not a local – possibly considered a returnee? I was born in Reading, PA, in a suburb about 50 minutes away from Philadelphia. I went to Duquesne University for college and ended up moving back out here in 2021.

Q: Do you have any kids? Any pets?
A: No kids, I love animals! I have two cats and a dog! Fun fact – my cat is two toes away from a world record.

Q: If any musician or band could give you a personal concert, who would it be? 
A: Bananarama!

Kristen Matichko, Product Manager, MyUPMC

Q: Are you a Pittsburgh local or did you grow up elsewhere?
A:  I have lived in Pittsburgh my entire life.

Q: Do you have any kids? Any pets?
A:  I have three children – A.J., 22, Darrek, 18, and Hannah, 15, and three cats – Camo, Blackjack, and Django.

Q: What’s in your perfect meal? 
A: Any type of pizza (although I am mostly dairy-free and meat-free, I do allow myself to indulge in pizza/cheese as a treat).

Jamie Miros, Associate Product Manager, MyUPMC

Q: Do you have an unusual talent or hobby?
A: I’ve played the violin for 20 years!

Q: Are you a Pittsburgh local or did you grow up elsewhere?
A: I was born and raised in the North Hills.

Q: What’s in your perfect meal?
A: Noodlehead pad Thai.

Josh Alston, Senior Data Analyst, Digital Solutions

Q: Are you a Pittsburgh local or did you grow up elsewhere?
A:  I grew up in Shaler and could see the tip of the Steel Tower from my parent’s house. I moved to Washington, PA, where I now reside.

Q: Do you have any kids? Any pets?
A: I have a 3-month-old son and two dogs — a labradoodle and a German shepherd.

Q: What makes you a geek (if you consider yourself one)? 
A: I honestly love data and analytics. The challenge of writing code is fun to me.

Ruby Shifflett, Executive Assistant, Tech Solutions

Q: What’s your favorite quote from a movie or TV series?
A:  “Excellent, Smithers,” said by Mr. Burns on The Simpsons.

Q: Do you have an unusual talent or hobby?
A:  Helping my husband restore vehicles and riding my Harley.

Q: What makes you a geek (if you consider yourself one)? 
A: I’m a Civil War/Abe Lincoln history nerd.

Alina Bengert-Iombardi, Lead Product Designer, Digital Solutions

Q: How did you get into the industry?
A: I started with a communications major and learned that “it is the message that is received that counts, not what was intended.” This resonates really well with product design and user experience design, because if we don’t understand our users, we could invest millions of dollars on intent and assumptions — but if the product is not received well, it doesn’t matter. User-centered design is the right approach.

Q: Free space: Share any fun fact!
A: I speak four languages: English, Russian, Hebrew and Span-ish.

Q: If any musician or band could give you a personal concert, who would it be? 
A: David Garrett. I love his fusion of classical music and rock. He does crossover music with his violin and it is beautiful.

Radhika Shivakumar, Software Test Engineer, MyUPMC

Q: Are you a Pittsburgh local or did you grow up elsewhere?
A: I grew up in Bengaluru, India.

Q: Do you have any kids? Any pets?
A:  I have a daughter who is 3.5 years old.

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