Anniversary Spotlight: Richard James Celebrates 9 Years at UPMC


The Anniversary Spotlight highlights an employee celebrating a significant work anniversary at UPMC every month. 

What are some of your proudest accomplishments during your time at UPMC Enterprises?

I’d say my test automation work on the Safar project. During the beginning, we put in some grueling hours and pushed through some great work. After the initial speed run, we were able to build out some really interesting and effective testing tools. 

What does your day-to-day role look like at UPMC Enterprises?

I start my day by assessing the state of the two teams I work with, addressing my work, and then helping with anything outstanding. Once that’s complete, I work on future improvements to the testing suite and tech debt. Got to get ahead of the debt. 

What are some of your favorite things about working at UPMC Enterprises?

I really like the inquisitive nature here, coupled with pretty good work life balance. I like that I get my work done here and try to improve myself, and the job rewards that without getting in its own way. 

What is your advice to prospective UPMC Enterprises employees?

This is a great place to work — you can settle down here or build some skills and move on. I put forth the effort and it seems like it’s appropriately rewarded. Also, speaking up, participating in meetings, saying your “dumb” idea, voicing concerns — these are all beneficial. 

What are your greatest passions and interests, both personally and professionally?

Personally, the confluence of environmental awareness and reducing costs. There’s so much we can do that saves money and makes the environment better/cleaner that just requires lowering some barriers to entry. Professionally, I have a lot of fun making things more efficient. Rewriting sections of tests so they complete faster, removing extraneous code, optimizing calls — there’s something gratifying in doing more with less. 

Congratulations to Richard on 9 years!

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